

  • 獎座將於10月舉行的頒獎典禮中頒發。
    Trophies will be presented at the Awards Ceremony to be held in October.

  • 為了表彰企業所展現的馬拉松拼勁,所有獲獎企業均會獲邀參加渣打香港馬拉松2025企業挑戰。
    To recognise the resilience and marathon spirit corporates demonstrated on their business journeys, all awardees will be exclusively invited to enter the Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon 2025 Corporate Challenge.

  • 馬拉松拼勁大獎的獲獎企業將受邀在頒獎典禮上進行5分鐘演講,分享他們的成功案例和抗逆經驗。
    Winners of the Marathon Resilience Award will be invited to deliver a 5-minute speech on stage at the Awards Ceremony, sharing their success stories and resilience journeys.