Award category
  • 跨地區企業
    Cross-border Corporate

  • 香港以外的跨境或國際業務表現優秀,積極應對外部挑戰,發掘商機,鞏固傳統市場、開拓新興市場,為整體營商環境及維持行業競爭力作出重大貢獻。
    The award covers enterprises with outstanding performance outside Hong Kong, including GBA, ASEAN and markets around the globe. They have made significant contributions and maintain industry competitiveness.
  • 可持續企業(環境)
    Sustainable Corporate(Environmental)
  • 獎項涵蓋積極推動可持續發展的企業,建構更健康、更美好的未來,透過可持續性的創新解決方案,進一步實踐減少碳排放,推動循環經濟。
    This award covers enterprises that actively promote sustainable development and build a better future through innovative sustainable solutions. This also reflects the enterprises are actively reducing carbon emissions and promoting circular economy.
  • 可持續企業(社會責任)
    Sustainable Corporate(Social Responsibility)
  • 獎項表揚確切實踐可持續發展和企業社會責任措施的企業,積極履行符合社區需要的願景,並致力為員工營造安全、健康、關顧及平等的工作環境,創造更佳的社會價值。
    The award recognizes enterprises that are passionate about sustainable development and taking up social responsibility (CSR). They actively fulfil the visions that meet the needs of the community, and strive to create a better working environment for employees.
  • 創新經濟企業
    New Economy Corporate

  • 獎項涵蓋積極創新的科技企業,透過將數碼融入業務策略,提供更高效、更創新的服務和產品,整體技術水平在行業中居於領先地位。
    The award covers innovative technology enterprises that integrate digital technology into their business strategies, they provide more efficient and innovative services and products, and their technological level is leading the industry.
  • 數碼轉型企業
    Digital Transformation Corporate
  • 善用人工智能、雲端、電商等創新技術的傳統企業,把握數碼轉型大趨勢,提高生產力和營運效率,為相關業務及整個行業創造積極影響。
    This award aims to recognise enterprises in traditional industries that use technologies such as artificial intelligence, cloud, and e-commerce to integrate technology into daily operations. They seized the opportunity of digital transformation, and created positive impacts on related businesses and the entire industry.
  • 馬拉松拼勁大獎
    Marathon Resilience Awardnew
  • 獎項表揚企業在面對前所未有的不確定性時,表現出高度韌性和適應力,有效應對未來的挑戰。得獎企業對行業有正面影響,其拼勁故事為其他企業甚至整個行業帶來啓發。
    The awards recognise enterprises that have demonstrated a high degree of resilience and adaptability in the face of future challenges. The award-winning enterprises have a positive influence on the industry, and their stories of resilience journey has inspired or influenced other businesses or industry peers.

Corporates competing in any of the five key categories above are eligible to apply for the Marathon Resilience Awards.

Eligibility for Leadership Award in different categories: Corporates that have attained a minimum turnover of US$2 billion in the last financial year.