Judging Panel
Core Judging Panel Members
- 禤惠儀女士
Ms Mary Huen - 渣打香港兼大中華及北亞區行政總裁
CEO, Hong Kong and Greater China & North Asia, Standard Chartered
- 方舜文女士
Ms Margaret Fong - 香港貿易發展局總裁
Executive Director, Hong Kong Trade Development Council
- 葉倩林女士
Ms Pandora Ip - 《信報財經新聞》執行董事及商務總裁
Executive Director & Chief Commercial Officer, Hong Kong Economic Journal
Cross-border Corporate
- 許穗華女士
Ms Helen Hui - 渣打銀行董事總經理暨企業及投資銀行業務香港兼大中華區主管
Head, Coverage, Hong Kong and Greater China (Mainland China, Taiwan and Macau), Corporate & Investment Banking, Standard Chartered
- 莊太量教授
Prof. Terence Chong - 中大經濟學系副教授兼劉佐德全球經濟及金融研究所常務所長
Executive Director, Lau Chor Tak Institute of Global Economics and Finance and Associate Professor of Economics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- 劉會平先生
Dr Patrick Lau - 香港貿易發展局副總裁
Deputy Executive Director, Hong Kong Trade Development Council
Sustainable Corporate(Environmental)
- Ms Marisa Drew
- 渣打集團可持續發展總監
Chief Sustainability Officer, Standard Chartered
- 盧永鴻教授
Prof. Carlos Lo - 中大政務與政策科學學院教授及商業可持續發展中心主任
Professor of School of Governance and Policy Science and Director of Centre for Business Sustainability ,The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- 胡伯杰先生
Mr Dennis Wu - 大灣區碳中和協會創會會長
Founding President, GBA Carbon Neutrality Association
Sustainable Corporate(Social Responsibility)
- 文偉成先生
Mr Stephen Man - 渣打董事總經理暨香港區財富管理及零售銀行業務主管
Managing Director, Head, Wealth and Retail Banking, Hong Kong, Standard Chartered
- 陳婉珊女士
Ms Clara Chan - 香港工業總會常務副主席及環境、社會及管治委員會主席
Executive Deputy Chairman and Chairman of Environment, Social and Governance Committee, The Federation of Hong Kong Industries
- 魏華星先生
Mr Francis Ngai - 香港社會創投基金創辦人及行政總裁
Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Social Ventures Hong Kong
New Economy Corporate
- 林遠棟先生
Mr Anthony Lin - 渣打董事總經理暨金融交易業務部香港及大中華暨北亞區主管及環球市場管理主管
Managing Director, Head of Hong Kong, Greater China & North Asia, Global Head of Market Management, Transaction Banking, Standard Chartered
- 邱達根議員
Mr Duncan Chiu - 香港特別行政區立法會議員(科技創新界)
HKSAR Legislative Council Member (Technology and Innovation)
- 趙子翹先生
Mr Jason Chiu - 創奇思創辦人
Co-founder, Cherrypicks
Digital Transformation Corporate
- Mr Dominic J Maffei
- Head of Digital Assets and Fintech Hong Kong, Standard Chartered
- 陳細明先生
Mr Simon Chan - 數碼港董事局主席
Chairman of Cyberport
- 車品覺先生
Mr Herbert Chia - 阿里雲智能(亞太北區)資深顧問
Senior Advisor of Alibaba Cloud Intelligence (North APAC Region)
Marathon Resilience Award
- 關懿婷女士
Ms Gabriel Kwan - 渣打銀行香港及台灣區公共事務、品牌及市場推廣主管
Head, Corporate Affairs and Brand & Marketing, Hong Kong & Taiwan, Standard Chartered
- 盧金榮博士
Dr Wingco Lo - 香港中華廠商聯合會會長
President,The Chinese Manufacturers' Association of Hong Kong
- 鄧希煒教授
Prof Heiwai Tang - 香港大學經管學院副院長(對外事務)、馮國經馮國綸基金經濟學教授
Associate Dean (External Relations) , Victor and William Fung Professor in Economics, HKU Business School
- 楊偉添先生
Mr Patrick Yeung - 香港總商會總裁
Chief Executive Officer of the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce