Judging Panel
Core Judging Panel Members
- 方舜文女士
Ms Margaret Fong - 香港貿易發展局總裁
Executive Director, Hong Kong Trade Development Council
- 禤惠儀女士
Ms Mary Huen - 渣打銀行執行董事兼香港行政總裁;
Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer, Hong Kong;
Cluster CEO, Hong Kong, Taiwan & Macau, Standard Chartered
- 施純港先生
Mr Johnson Sze - 《信報財經新聞》投資分析研究部副總編輯
Deputy Chief Editor Investment, Hong Kong Economic Journal
Global Connectivity & GBA Corporate
- 莊太量教授
Prof. Terence T L Chong - 中大經濟學系副教授兼劉佐德全球經濟及金融研究所常務所長
Executive Director, Lau Chor Tak Institute of Global Economics and Finance and Associate Professor of Economics, CUHK
- 車品覺先生
Mr Herbert Chia - 紅杉資本中國基金專家合夥人
Venture Partner, Sequoia Capital China
- 許穗華女士
Ms Helen Hui - 渣打銀行企業、金融機構及商業銀行部董事總經理及香港區主管
Managing Director, Head, Client Coverage, Corporate, Commercial and Institutional Banking, Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong)
- 劉會平先生
Dr Patrick Lau - 香港貿易發展局副總裁
Deputy Executive Director, Hong Kong Trade Development Council
Sustainable Corporate (Environmental & Social Responsibility)
- 黃翠芝女士
Ms Tracy Wong Harris - 渣打可持續金融亞洲區董事總經理兼主管;
Managing Director, Head of Sustainable Finance, Asia, Standard Chartered; Vice President and Deputy Secretary General, Hong Kong Green Finance Association (HKGFA)
- 呂梓毅先生
Mr Eric Lui - 《信報財經新聞》投資研究部首席經濟及策略師
Chief Economist & Strategist, Hong Kong Economic Journal
- 史立德先生
Mr Allen Shi - 香港中華廠商聯合會會長
President of the CMA
- 胡伯杰先生
Mr Dennis Wu - 大灣區碳中和協會創會會長
Founding President, GBA Carbon Neutrality Association
New Economy Corporate
- 陳細明先生
Mr Simon Chan - 數碼港董事局主席
Chairman of Cyberport
- 邱達根先生
Mr Duncan Chiu - 香港特別行政區立法會議員(科技創新界)
HKSAR Legislative Council Member (Technology and Innovation)
- 趙子翹先生
Mr Jason Chiu - 創奇思創辦人及行政總裁
Co-founder & CE, Cherrypicks
- Mr Alex Manson
- SC Ventures