Award category
  • 跨境聯繫企業
    Global Connectivity Corporate
  • 在中國內外雙循環大局,以及RCEP等協定的支持下,企業充分發揮中國與環球巿場的聯繫角色,成功為內地企業提供專業服務及人脈網絡,面向國際,在市場資金、技術及人才方面,發揮互聯互通優勢,推動經濟蓬勃發展。
    With the support of domestic and foreign dual circulation and agreements like RCEP, enterprises have manifested their roles in connecting China and the global market, providing professional services and networking opportunities for mainland enterprises to bridge the world successfully. At the same time, facilitating the flows on market capital, technology advancement and talents, have contributed to strengthening economic prosperity as a whole.
  • 大灣區企業
    Greater Bay Area Corporate
  • 大灣區作為中國改革開放下的重大部署,企業在區內「9+2」城市成功佔據市場領先地位,促進和支持經濟發展,為提升大灣區整體營商環境及競爭力作出非凡貢獻。
    The Greater Bay Area plays a strategic role in China's reform and opening up. Enterprises in the "9+2" cities are leading the market, driving economic development, and making remarkable contribution to enhancing the overall business environment and competitiveness of the Greater Bay Area.
  • 可持續企業(環境)
    Sustainable Corporate (Environmental)
  • 企業在可持續發展轉型步伐上,顯著領先行業,在管治及業務發展大方向均體現出對環境、氣候及海洋的堅定承諾,並持續有序實踐,成功在SDGs(聯合國可持續發展目標)上作出非凡貢獻。
    In terms of sustainability development and business transformation, enterprises are outpacing the industries, leading the way in governance and business development. This also reflects their firm commitment to the environment, climate and marine issues, continuing in an orderly manner to realise SDGs (United Nations Sustainable Development Goals).
  • 可持續企業(社會責任)
    Sustainable Corporate (Social Responsibility)
  • 企業在業務及管治方針上,主動作出對社會責任的承擔,不限於社區融合、員工福利及教育等,助力社會向SDGs(聯合國可持續發展目標)有序邁進。
    With regard to business and governance policies, enterprises are actively taking up social responsibilities, well beyond community integration, employee welfare and education, etc., to help the society move forward in an orderly manner towards the SDGs (United Nations Sustainable Development Goals).
  • 創新經濟企業
    New Economy Corporate
  • 獎項涵蓋顯卓創新的科技企業,以及善用智能技術提升業務效益及生產力的傳統企業。透過數碼融入業務策略,企業成功衍生更優質精細的服務和產品,推動社會邁向高效創新經濟,為消費者長遠創造更舒適的生活模式。
    The award covers outstanding innovative technology enterprises, as well as traditional companies that leverage smart technologies to improve business efficiency and productivity. Through the integration of digital technology into business strategies, enterprises have successfully developed upgraded services and products, helping the society to move towards an efficient and innovative economy, thus creating more comfortable lifestyles for consumers in the long run.


Eligibility for Leadership Award in different categories: Corporates that have attained a minimum turnover of US$2 billion in the last financial year.